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Death by Audio Echo Master Red/Yellow Zebra on White (2023 Chicago Boutique Effects Pedal Showcase Special Edition)

Death by Audio Echo Master Red/Yellow Zebra on White (2023 Chicago Boutique Effects Pedal Showcase Special Edition)

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This pedal was part of a special offering for those that attended Reverb’s 2023 Chicago Boutique Effect Pedal Showcase, hosted at Chicago Music Exchange. Remaining inventory is now available.

Designed for vocals, the Echo Master is a lo-fi, analog tape-style delay unit that can transform your voice into a chaotic realm of noise and feedback. The effects loop allows additional effects to be placed in the signal chain, making it easy to use with any of your favorite effects pedals on your vocal sound without any adapters.

The Echo Master is not just a delay unit, however. It utilizes matched Bourns transformers on the input to create a vibrant-sounding and feedback-minimizing preamp to bring you phenomenal vocal quality before you even hit the PA. Your sound engineer will hate you because you'll sound better than ever without their help. Top it off with high-quality Neutrik XLR jacks and the Echo Master is the ultimate tool for taking total control of the sound of your voice.



Time: Controls the delay time, with numbers labeled in milliseconds. In the Red Zone, the delay chip is pushed to the extreme. The signal decreases in fidelity as the time increases.

F-Back: Controls the number of repeats in the delay circuit, anywhere from one to an infinite to a wall of oscillation.

Mix: Controls the level of the delayed channel in comparison to the dry signal, from fully dry to an equal mix.

Send/Receive: Plug out of the Send jack into any additional effects, then back into the Return jack to introduce new sounds into your vocals. This loop is before the delay line, allowing you to affect your dry vocals as well as the delay generated by the Echo Master.


Dimensions: 6.09" x 3.45" x 2.75" (including hardware).

Weight: 16oz. (w/ Alternate Back Plate 30oz.)

Power: 9V (runs on standard 2.1mm negative center 9V adapter).

Current Draw: 25 mA.


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This pedal was part of a special offering for those that attended Reverb’s 2023 Chicago Boutique Effect Pedal Showcase, hosted at Chicago Music Exchange. Remaining inventory is now available.

Designed for vocals, the Echo Master is a lo-fi, analog tape-style delay unit that can transform your voice into a chaotic realm of noise and feedback. The effects loop allows additional effects to be placed in the signal chain, making it easy to use with any of your favorite effects pedals on your vocal sound without any adapters.

The Echo Master is not just a delay unit, however. It utilizes matched Bourns transformers on the input to create a vibrant-sounding and feedback-minimizing preamp to bring you phenomenal vocal quality before you even hit the PA. Your sound engineer will hate you because you'll sound better than ever without their help. Top it off with high-quality Neutrik XLR jacks and the Echo Master is the ultimate tool for taking total control of the sound of your voice.



Time: Controls the delay time, with numbers labeled in milliseconds. In the Red Zone, the delay chip is pushed to the extreme. The signal decreases in fidelity as the time increases.

F-Back: Controls the number of repeats in the delay circuit, anywhere from one to an infinite to a wall of oscillation.

Mix: Controls the level of the delayed channel in comparison to the dry signal, from fully dry to an equal mix.

Send/Receive: Plug out of the Send jack into any additional effects, then back into the Return jack to introduce new sounds into your vocals. This loop is before the delay line, allowing you to affect your dry vocals as well as the delay generated by the Echo Master.


Dimensions: 6.09" x 3.45" x 2.75" (including hardware).

Weight: 16oz. (w/ Alternate Back Plate 30oz.)

Power: 9V (runs on standard 2.1mm negative center 9V adapter).

Current Draw: 25 mA.