MXR Custom Audio Electronics RS-10 MIDI Foot Controller

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MXR Custom Audio Electronics RS-10 MIDI Foot Controller

{"regular_price"=>"Regular price", "sold_out"=>"Sold out", "unavailable"=>"Unavailable", "on_sale"=>"Sale", "quantity"=>"Quantity", "add_to_cart"=>"Add to cart", "pre_order"=>"Pre-order", "select_options"=>"Select Options", "back_to_collection"=>"Back to {{ title }}", "quick_view"=>"Quick View", "price_from"=>"From", "quick_view_description"=>"Description", "quick_view_details"=>"Full Product Details", "product_is_avalable"=>"In stock! Usually ships within 24 hours.", "product_is_sold_out"=>"Sorry! This product is currently out of stock.", "tab_no_page"=>"No page specified. To populate this tab, choose which page you wish to display in Theme Settings under the Product Pages heading.", "read_more"=>"Read more", "for_price_call_html"=>"For price call: <a href='tel:+1 (773) 525-7773'>+1 (773) 525-7773.</a>", "call_to_order_html"=>"Call to order: <a href='tel:+1 (773) 525-7773'>+1 (773) 525-7773.</a>", "brand_new_badge"=>"Brand New", "b_stock_badge"=>"B-Stock", "demo_badge"=>"Demo", "used_badge"=>"Used", "vintage_badge"=>"Vintage", "coming_soon_text"=>"More on the way ", "in_store_now_text"=>"In store now", "authorized_dealer_badge_title_html"=>"CME is an authorized {{ vendor_link }} Dealer!"}
Contact for Shipping Quote
  • $ 25,741.00
  • $ 18,877.00

The Richard Fortus Collection

"For almost 40 years, I’ve been recording, playing, and touring all over the world with bands like Guns N’ Roses, The Psychedelic Furs, Thin Lizzy, The Dead Daisies, & more. Many of these pieces have made the trip with me, destined for the stage or the studio. Many haven’t, but each is an equal part of my musical history, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to pass this along to you." -Richard Fortus
  • Listing price does not include shipping and insurance costs. Please contact us for shipping options.
  • There are no returns on items in this collection, so please contact our sales team with any questions you may have before purchasing, as well as to discuss international shipping options.
  • All items from the Fortus Collection will include a hand signed certificate of authenticity that will be mailed individually.

Please contact one of our sales representatives for detailed information on originality and condition of this piece.

You read that right! Any orders over $75 ship for free!*

The CME Difference:  CME's mission is to make sure your shipment will arrive quickly, carefully, and correctly. We realize that the online ordering of guitars and instruments, in general, can be a nerve-racking experience. We are here to put your mind at ease and make your transaction smooth and enjoyable! As musicians ourselves, we want to make sure everything gets to you the way it should, every time.

Most orders ship the same or next day:  
We greatly appreciate your patience, and are working hard to fulfill all requests as quickly as possible, while practicing recommended safety guidelines.

Our Bottom line: We care! This is something we take very seriously, because it's what you deserve. Our shipping, sales, and customer service teams are always striving to create the best experience for you. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, we want to know.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to, or call us directly at 773-525-7773.

*Special exceptions do apply.



12PM-7PM Wednesday-Friday

10AM-7PM Saturday

10AM-5PM Sunday

Before & After Hours: Try us! 
If we are not available, our commitment is to get back to you no later than the next day.

US & International: +1 (773) 525-7773

Fax: 773-525-2775


3316 N Lincoln Avenue Chicago, IL 60657

We're right off the CTA Brown Line 'Paulina' Stop Just North of Belmont and just West of Ashland.

We’re all musicians here at Chicago Music Exchange and we want you to love the gear you get from us. We understand that sometimes you get a piece of gear that doesn’t work out for you. That’s why we offer an easy return policy to take the stress out of purchasing from us.

If you decide you'd like to return an item, please contact your Sales Rep, chat us, or give us a call.

If you placed your order on Amazon or eBay, we advise issuing the return request from your account on the platform of purchase - our Customer Service team will process a refund upon receipt of the item(s).

Most new items may be returned within 30 days of delivery and most vintage & used items may be returned within 3 days of delivery for a full refund, exchange, or store credit. Please pack the product safely for the journey back to us. If the product was shipped for free, the charge will be deducted from refund, unless the reason for the return is outside normal circumstances.

Please contact us as soon as possible if your order was received incorrectly, damaged, or defective. Most times we will give you an RA number (Return Authorization). Why is that number important? This will allow us to speed up the process of the return.

We reserve the right to charge a restocking fee based on the return condition. Some items we just can’t take back for returns, due to a one time function like strings or drums heads and other times it’s not sanitary to do so with microphones or harmonicas. If you aren’t sure if what you bought falls into a category like this, call us (773) 525-7773!

We strive to get your return processed quickly. Most of the time we have it done within two business days. Funds going back to credit cards usually takes two to four business days. CME strives to make sure all customers are happy with their experience. It is our priority to provide great service along with great gear. We always want to be helpful, and open to your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts! If you have any questions, we’re here for you!

Feel free to email us at or give us a call at (773) 525-7773.