Ground breaking, patent pending design allows a full-size humbucker to split to either a "real deal" P-90 or a traditional single coil. Perfect for a wide variety of styles including country, pop, surf, jazz, blues, classic rock, and heavy rock.
DescriptionUntil now, if you wanted humbucker, P-90, and vintage Strat® tones, you'd have to haul three Guitars to the gig. Enter P-Rails™. It's a full-size humbucker that splits to either a full-size P-90 or a special Alnico-powered single-coil Rail pickup. The humbucker sound is full and expansive, owing to the mis-matched coil configuration. The P-90 is a super fat. And the Rail coils, when used together, sound like the "2" and "4" positions in a great Strat.
GuitarsP-Rails can be used in any guitar set up for a traditional humbucker or Trembucker. A single P-Rails will bring added dimension to your guitar. However, to optimize P-Rails' unique splitting capabilities and get the best single-coil Rails tones, use a neck and bridge set.
PlayersPeter Stroud / Sheryl Crow Band, Blues Saraceno, Eric Miker / Decemberadio
specsPart Number: 11303-02-B
Model: P-Rails - Bridge
Pickup Type: Humbucker
Output: High
Strings: 6
Position: Bridge
Cable: Four Conductor Shielded
Magnet: Alnico 5
DC Resistance: 18.9