Originally designed for Brad Paisley in 2006, the Z Wreck is a wildly versatile boutique amp ready to deliver exactly what you put into it.
Every component on the Z Wreck was placed with the utmost attention to short wire lengths and increased separation between the front end and the output section. The heart of the amp is the output transformer designed by Ken Fischer for Dr Z in the early 2000s. Also on board is a newly designed power transformer which incorporates a multi tapped secondary that allows for 2 different plate voltage settings: Comfort and Speed. Speed yields a strong attack with increased clarity and dynamic headroom. Every note rings clear in the clean settings and they absolutely scream when the amp is pushed to its natural overdriven voice. The comfort setting drops the plate voltage down for more of a vintage feel. The softer response and overall sweetness of the comfort setting really make it difficult to put the guitar down.
The touch response of the Z Wreck is unequalled. Settings below 12:00 on the volume yield a rich clean sound with no signs of harshness. A 12 string Ric will be right at home for mid 60s Liverpool bliss. Once past 12:00 on the volume you can dial in excellent crunch all the way up to full blooming sustained drive sounds. Does the Z Wreck ROCK? YES!!! Does the Z Wreck TWANG? YES!!! The Z Wreck will deliver exactly what your hands and guitar give it. With the amp volume past noon you can roll your guitar volume back for articulate full bodied clean sounds and turn it up full for excellent drive. The Z Wreck truly is a plug and play amp.
Manufacturer: Dr. Z
Model: Z WRECK
Type: Tube Combo
Controls: Volume, Bass, Treble, Cut
Channels: 1
Effects Loop: no
Input: Mono in
Output: 16 ohm, 8 ohm, 4 ohm
Wattage: 30 watts
Speakers: 1x12
Dimensions: 22 1/2″W x 10 1/2″D x 20″H
Weight: 53 lbs.